Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Does westernization equal modernity the case of Turkey Research Paper

Does westernization equal modernity the case of Turkey - Research Paper Example Some of the steps considered to have been taken by Ataturk to westernize turkey include the banning of the traditional men’s hat called the fez replacing it with European styled ones, Latin alphabets replaced Arabic writing. He also introduced European calendar and metric systems in place of the Arabic ones. Women could vote and be in charge of offices, and it was illegal for them to wear veils. Other reforms include abolishment of sultanate and Dervish brotherhood, establishment of Islam as the official religion in the constitution deleted and Sunday became the official weekly holiday. The army was reorganized to conform to the patterns of western world such as England. European schools were established in turkey and students sent to countries such as France to help accelerate the rate of westernization (Arslan 134). In the wake of the coup in 1980, the military drafted a constitution proclaiming turkey secular, democratic and parliamentary nation. This is as seen the beginning of westernization of Turkey as this meant the country had opened up itself to the worlds influence (as its primary allies have been the west) politically, socially and security wise. It has even moved to become a candidate of European Union membership. Its relationship with the EU began in 1996 when they formed a custom union, then later becoming a candidate of EU membership in 1999 (Global Edge par. 11). Other economic organizations Turkey has subscribed to include World Trade Organization, European Free Trade Association, United Nations, Black Sea Economic Cooperation, the Council of Europe, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and Organization of Islamic Cooperation (Global Edge par. 11). Even though

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